Golden Age Level I Astrology

Welcome to the first level of a brand new template of Astrology that the world has never seen before.

Golden Age Leadership Astrology is an upgraded field of information. 

This isn't your auntie's astrology!


Golden Age Leadership Astrology is right for you when:

→ You feel called to know who you are on a deeper soul level to co-create higher harmonics in your field.
→ Astrology always fascinated you but something felt off.
→ You are ready to learn how to read a natal chart, understand energetic forecasts, and implement a new expression & narrative for the future.
→ You’ve been dreaming of starting your own purpose led business or adding depth to your existing one
→ You’re excited to explore a new astrological system beyond mainstream narratives to serve as a golden age leader.
→ You are ready to re-encrypt astrology and liberate yourself beyond the artificial overlays that invert, and infect consciousness.
→ There is excitement within the cells to transcend these outdated archetypal imprints and drop out false identity structures.
→ You are willing to activate your ascending timeline free from mind control and holographic inserts.
→ You are excited to collapse out magnetic imprints on your mental body and consciousness that infect the divine mission of Highly Coded Beings.
→ You feel called to upgrade your astrological blueprint, release karmic miasmatic records, and animate a now operating system of clarity, cohesion and coherence.

Pssssst, You can receive this course for 50% off when you join our Silver or Gold membership community here.


Bonuses you'll receive:
  • A 40 day meditation for your natal chart. 
  • an entirely new harmonic bandwidth of LIVE frequencies 
  • 365 day access to all course content. 

One Year Access. Self-study course. Make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list to receive. 

Due to the nature of online digital products, there are NO REFUNDS on this offer. Please make an anchored, clear, and resonant decision from overflow.

$2,222.00 USD

Click HERE to review the Terms & Conditions

2x payments plan, click HERE.

3x payment, click HERE.

For GALA II click HERE.

For the Astrology Bundle click HERE.

If you require a detailed receipt for tax purposes, you must pay with stripe.

For a limited time, add on the original version of GALA and save ONE THOUSAND $$$.

This version includes quantum activations, meditations, and is packed with data not included in the 2023 version!!! 

Add this offer before it's gone. 

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