$2,400.00 USD

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1:1 Business Intensive


These sessions are for heart-centered Golden Age Leaders, Coaches/Mentors, Healers, Visionaries, Oracles, and Online, service-based businesses ready for a tuned-in & a high-touch coaching and mentorship session with Krista of Chalice Grove.

Potential topics:

→ Anchoring the formless into form, & frequency attunement.

→ Leadership level energy & time management.

→ Deep somatic and mindset work to break through & anchor into your next dimensional layer of brilliance, creativity, confidence, and embodiment.

→ Wealth building, circulating, & money leadership.

→ Nourishing pricing, product suite refinement.

→ Launch strategy, visioning, and workshopping your offer & content ideas.

→ The art & design of sharing your authentic voice to align with soulmate clients.

→ Magnetic marketing, expression, feminine magnetism, and masculine electricity!

→ Releasing reversal fields from your body, your blueprint, your business, your bank account, & your brand.

→ Invitation & Sales Mastery.


This session will be exactly what it needs to be.


This is an incredible option for someone who wants to get a taste of what it's like to work with me at a high level, who is open to receiving guidance, energetic upgrades, and powerful reflections that will serve them far past the 90 minute session.

Honor & trust your initial pull to the experience.

*** Make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter to receive your welcome email & prayer!!!

Due to the nature of online digital products, there are NO REFUNDS on this offer. Please make an anchored, clear, and resonant decision.