$1,110.00 USD

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If you require a detailed receipt for tax purposes, you must pay with Stripe.

For a limited time, add 10 days of Frequency Mentorship (all voxer) to your order for 50% off at $500.

This ten day intensive with me will allow you to integrate the course material, ask any of your questions, and apply them into your life & business right away!

The Invitation


A micromind for the brilliantly sensitive, highly coded, and emotionally intelligent founder guardians, on the art of aligned sales, intuitive investing, and the beauty of client conversion and retention.

This is an incredible option for someone who is learning to grow & scale their soul-led-business on mission.

Within this five module program will cover:

- The Initiation

- Disappointment to dreaming

- Creativity Over Consumption

- Quantum Sales

- Aligned Sales

This is for you if you are ready for a quantum leap into your next evolution of soul-based-SALES.


Honor & trust your initial pull to the experience.

Access to modules will be through your client portal. 


*** Make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter to receive your welcome email & prayer!!!

Due to the nature of online digital products, there are NO REFUNDS on this offer. Please make an anchored, clear, and resonant decision.

You have 90 days with this pre-recorded offer.