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Voice & Visibility

 Your voice was designed to heal you.

Your voice has the power to uplift or cut down.

Your sound current is the frequency of the you who has travelled through lifetimes and lineages.

If you don’t like the sound of your voice, it’s likely there is a part of you that you’re still rejecting.

If you’re afraid to speak, it’s likely your throat was impacted in childhood.

If you speak too much, overshare, or suffer from word vomit, it’s likely you’re trying to heal from a sense of powerlessness in childhood.

The tongue connects to our heart.
The lips are tissue from the heart.
Oracles have a sacred responsibility to reorganize the geometrics of the heart through sound.

We do this by learning how to encrypt our voice with organic light so that our words are ordained, sanctioned, and a portal into prophecy.

Did you know you have 84 meridians on the upper palate?

These meridians create vibrations which carry information.

This vibration shifts the neurochemical release in the body which shifts your electromagnetic field.

🎤  It’s time you stood out from the crowd and showed the world just how unique you actually are!

🎤  It’s time you used the magic of your voice to heal and guide your audience into their most powerful & aligned realities.

🎤  It’s time you become even more visible to yourself and to the people you are meant to serve.

🎤  It’s time you used the magic of your voice to speak to the right people, and stop trying to convince the wrong ones.

Join us for Voice & Visibility