$444.00 USD

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Remote Quantum Activation Voxer


Welcome to a different style of transformation, one that isn't bound to a linear time, space reality. This offer works directly with soul signature, sequence, and sound to anchor in new templates where success can flourish. 


Pssssst, You can receive this activation for 50% off when you join our membership community here.


Once you're IN, you'll receive an email with all of the details.

 Make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter to receive. 


What You'll Receive:


  •  1x Custom Quantum Activation over Voxer only 

      (While I am not going to be militant about how much *time* is required to refine the experience of Source Field, you can expect anywhere from fifteen to thirty minutes of data & activation to release quantum entanglement based on your geometry.)
  •  Direct intuitive interactions 
  •  Moment to Moment mapping 

  •  Co-regulation 

  •  Reorganization 

  •  Organic Soul Signature, Sequence & Sound


This style of activation is designed for those of you who are desiring: 

𓆃 location freedom.

(This means we aren’t bound by time zones or physical locations!)

𓆃 accountability, refinement and light body liberation. 

𓆃 clear, concise, and coherent data designed for your next dimensional octave. 

 𓆃 access to an entirely new template of union, success, and wealth. 

𓆃 high level access into anchoring your 10-15D Self Actualization of your Mission Codes 

*  Trust your body and your blueprint, and show up from a place of overflow * 


*** This offer does not contain a natal chart session. It is solely dedicated to your FIELD in the moment of NOW.


Client understands that the offering contains:



  •  Quantum Field Activation is a technology & technique used as a healing modality within this offering that includes, but is not limited to, the use of light language, light body clearing, & sound healing. 
  •  (hereinafter referred to as “QFA”). 
  •  Customer also understands that QFA is not a substitute for medical and/or other health care. Customer hereby understands and agrees that the Company is not “diagnosing” or “treating” the physical body, which falls under the jurisdiction and expertise of licensed medical health care providers. Customer also understands that “healing” as it relates to energy work is different as it relates to medical or physical needs. Customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that they shall consult their health care provider and discuss any recommendations made by the Company. From time to time, it is possible that energy that is relieved or moved during sessions may present itself in physical and/or emotional manners. Customer also agrees to immediately inform their health care provider of any illness, pain, or other mental distress and/or physical discomfort that occurs during or after Customer’s participation in the Program. 
  •  Customer also acknowledges and understands that the exact benefits and risks of QFA are not fully known. As such, all methods used by the Company are merely experimental and cannot promise to deliver specific results or achieve specific outcomes. Customer hereby assumes and accepts all risks associated with the offering.

* office hours apply *


There are NO REFUNDS on this offer. Please make an anchored, clear, and resonant decision.